This light and refreshing cold pasta salad is loaded with the flavors of the Mediterranean, and pairs well with grilled proteins, such as fish, pork, chicken...
This amazing salad recipe was given to me by a friend who used to know someone at the now closed Larry's Markets in the Seattle area. I've added to the...
A delicious pasta salad for salad or side dish that's not heavy, but delightful! Substitute halved grape tomatoes for the diced tomato for variety. This...
This is my go-to pasta salad recipe for a crowd! It's great for showers, picnics, parties, you name it! My mother-in-law taught me to make it. It is easy...
This is a tangy pasta salad that is quick to make and tasty to eat. It's great as a side dish or a light meal. I first made this for my husband and myself...
Fresh veggies and a rich variety of seasonings make this a great springtime dish for a party or a family picnic! Garnish with tomatoes and parsley and...
You don't have to give up enjoying fresh fruit during the winter season. Just select a colorful variety of fresh winter fruit, mix it all together with...
This salad is an incorporation of a variety of Mediterranean ingredients with a light lemon sauce to bind it all together. Feel free to substitute ingredients...
This is a beautiful and flavorful salad with a fresh ginger dressing. The cap of the shiitake mushroom has a meaty flesh with a lot of flavor; reserve...
Fresh herbs and lemon juice give this cheese tortellini the refreshing flavor of summer. It is a wonderful dish for picnics. Ideas for variations: garbanzo...
This is a great pasta salad, light and refreshing and a great family favorite! Has Catalina and Italian dressing, veggies and vinegar that gives it that...
This dill pickle pasta salad salad has so many different colors that it looks as though there is confetti in it. There is a thousand variations to this...
This is a great take-along recipe that I bring every year to family cookouts. It is totally different from other pasta salads and is very simple to make....
This recipe is great hot or cold. I invented it in grad school when I had no time to cook. It's a quick and easy one dish recipe. I use it as a side dish...